0 2 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast on May 8th news Warrior center Ronny was interviewed on Sunday local time and talked about Lakers Guard Russell, who worked with Roni and others during his time as a warrior.

In the western semi-final G3, Russell made 8 of 13 shots, 5 of 8 of 3 points, scored 21 points, 3 rebounds, 5 assists and 1 steals, and took the team’s opening 11 points to help the team win the Warriors 127-97, the big score leads 2-1.

Speaking of Russell, Rooney said, “You know, he is a very interesting person. I have known Russell for a long time, and we all know that he is a competitor. No matter where he plays, he plays well. Therefore, it is not surprising to see his current performance. It’s interesting to compete with him, but I hope we can limit him.”

Russell only played for half a season in the Warriors. Due to injuries and injuries, the Warriors finally only got the worst record in the league (due to the epidemic, the season was reduced).

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