0 7 min 2 yrs

(The original text was published on April 27. The author is Joe Nelson of Sports Illustrated. The content of the article does not represent the translator’s point of view)

Jeff Teeger, a former Timberwolves defender, told Butler’s scolding downs during team training this week as a visiting guest of Club 520 podcasting, the story that was exposed in an interview with ESPN later.

At the beginning, the host was talking about the extreme vegetarians who were worse than the Timberwolves fans. Tiger suddenly interrupted him and said, “No, no, no one is worse than the Timberwolves fans.”

After talking about this topic, Teeger mentioned the sensational “Butler led a group of substitutes to play the first start” event during the 2018 training camp. He said: “I want to tell you what really happened at that time……”

“We were training that day, Butler hadn’t come yet. The training camp started in September. We didn’t see Butler and no one accused him. Butler and I have a good relationship, but we didn’t see anyone else at first.” Teeger mentioned that Butler finally came the third day after the start of the training camp.

“We all thought Butler was coming for training,” Teeger continued, “but he didn’t. He just lay there stretching his muscles and bones. When we were running around to grab the ball on the court, he received a massage there. After that, coach sibadou asked us to play against each other. At that time Butler jumped up and said, ‘I will play too! Coach sibodu arranged me, Butler, Wikins, Gibson and downs to start, but Butler said: ‘I won’t start with them. ‘”

At that time, Timberwolves coach sibodu agreed Butler’s request to put rose into the starting line-up and replace Butler. In other words, Butler can only be in the same team as a group of the replacements players and players destined to develop the league.

Teeger said: “Butler is willing to be in the same team as these people. He chose some players to play in the Development League. No offense, but I have to say that those players can’t stay in the Timberwolves in the end.”

“From jump ball, Butler shouted, ‘I’ll beat downs.’ I thought to myself: what am I doing. Butler and downs were not happy to see each other. This is another story. I will find a chance to elaborate later. Anyway, they all dislike each other. Based on this situation, things began to become very interesting. After they jumped the ball, we handed the ball to downs in the first offensive round. Butler directly steals and quickly pushes the counterattack quick attack score. Then we said to Downs, ‘Come on, downs, he can’t prevent you. ‘”

Butler’s reaction was fierce. He shouted, ‘Get out! He is a rubbish! ‘Then again, the attack was successful, and their team scored again against the fast attack. At this moment Butler began to shout at the general manager. At that time, everyone was in the stadium. He said, ‘you ‘d better fucking pay me! I am the one you want to spend money on! ‘”

“I felt Butler was a madman at that time. I was still laughing and didn’t realize what would happen next. Rose was laughing like me. In the match, we always gave the ball to downs, and he finally scored.” Tiger added that after scoring, Downs began to talk rubbish, aiming at Butler’s gesture of “you are too short.

“I want to say, ‘yes, Downs, tell that damn guy that he is nothing! However, after that, they played 10-0, dunk and three points, but Butler was not scoring. He just steals, passes, assists, plays in the right way, and does something he can do. At the end of the last time, Butler beat US 18-6.”

“Dude, Butler was crazy at this time: ‘Do you all think this team can win without me?! I am the one who you should throw money! Give me money! Give me money! ‘”Teeger said.

“Remind you that Butler has not even taken off his warm-up clothes. Finally, after he took it off, we found that the Timberwolves clothes and the words “Timberwolves” team on the top and shorts were cut off by him, there is a hole in the chest and middle thigh. Seeing this picture, I really laughed and cried. I said, ‘buddy, you are really crazy. But I didn’t realize at that time that he just led a Development League team to beat us.”

“Butler shouted: ‘I just led a bunch of Development League players to beat you. Is this your starter?! ‘Originally, I am was laughing. Hearing his words, I am wanted to cry and laugh, because he was attacking me, and I was also one of the starters. I can’t stand it at first and am very angry.”

Tiger and other starting players want to play another match, but coach sibodu asked Butler’s team to change a group of players, of course, a group of Development League players. However, Butler won again. When Tiger and the starter wanted to play again, Butler rushed into the dressing room without returning straight joint.

Teeger said: “Butler ran too fast. We had to fight with the rest of the players. This time we won, so we all went back to the dressing room, I wanted Butler to come out and fight again, but he had already left and went straight home.”

“We trained for another hour later. After taking a bath, everyone went back to the dressing room and suddenly saw Rachel Nichols and Butler appear on ESPN’s channel. Butler said: ‘Yes, I just trained in the team and killed them all, but I think they are all good players. ‘I was confused directly at that time. I didn’t know what Butler was doing or what he wanted to do.”

“I really didn’t make this up, man. He came to the training ground to beat us up, and then came home to be interviewed immediately. This is really one of the most impressive things I have experienced in my career. How Butler arranged an interview with reporters who knew in advance that they would blow up all of us, in this respect, he is really the best in history!” Tiger said.

Original: Joe Nelson

Compile: Li Taibai


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