0 2 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, May 9th recently, Timberwolves player downs talked about the famous Butler’s past in the Podcast P with Paul George podcasting program.

In the 2017-18 season, downs and Butler worked as teammates for one year, during which the story of the famous Butler leading the substitute to defeat other first-mover players in the training competition took place.

Downs said: “Their team has Butler, Dalius-Johnson-Odom, and then there are three other people. I played well. He kept passing the ball. He had a free throw. We had a quarrel in the match. He Said rubbish and I replied rubbish.

“Later they won, he shouted at people, and the training that day was over. At the team meeting the next day, I told Jimmy that I wanted to win. If the team can win, I don’t care about anything else.”

Related reading: Tieger talks about Butler’s play with substitute. First start: He says downs are rubbish & you can’t win without me

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