0 2 min 1 yr

In the first game of the finals, Liaoning won Zhejiang 8 points. In fact, Zhejiang made the difference close to 2 points several times, but it just couldn’t be surpassed. Zhejiang lacks a stable scoring point at this particularly important moment. This may make Zhejiang Miss Gailey especially. Gailey’s ability to forcibly dismantle bombs is what Zhejiang needs most at present. In the second game of the finals, will Galy be activated from the big list?

The biggest gap between Zhejiang and Liaoning is experience. In contrast, Liaoning has stronger ability to grasp opportunities and higher grip. Among them, Zhao Jiwei is the brain and commander of Liaoning, and he is also a tough hand. With Guo Allen continuing to miss, Zhao Jiwei has greatly improved his attack power in the playoffs this year, and the efficiency and effect on the court are excellent. Zhao Jiwei hit nine points and tied the record of the most three points in his career playoffs.

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