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The letters continued to miss G3, and the Heat beat the stag at home, leading the big score 2-1. G4 is still the home of the heat. It is unknown whether the letters will play. If the Bucks lose G4, they will fall back to the home with 1-3 behind, no matter how strong their comprehensive strength is, there is a risk of going out because the fault tolerance rate of the series becomes low. I have to say, this is a difficult situation to guess before the series starts.

Of course, the Bucks haven’t lost G4 yet. With the ups and downs of this round of series, it’s hard to tell how the plot goes after that. G1 letters only played for 10 minutes, the heat was accurate (60% hit rate in three points) and the stag was hit (hit rate in three points), so the heat stole the home advantage in Milwaukee. G2 deer without words, playing the height ball by hanging Daluo, mixing the hot fire paint area with seven or eight elements, cooperating with the outside line to pass all kinds of postures firmly and three points, the record 81 points at half time fully demonstrated the proud depth of this team. At this time, even if there are no letters, you will not feel that the situation is bad for the Bucks.

But G3 a sudden change in the situation, the Heat became the leading side all the way. This kind of ups and downs is no stranger in the previous series of hot fire. Last year against Celtics, hot fire was also a crash, and it was hard for you to figure out their ups and downs. The difference of this year is that in the past three games, the hot shots were not inaccurate, with a three-point hit rate of 60%,% and% respectively, and the effective hit rates were%, 61% and 63.1%, the proportion of jump shots is very high. In contrast, the rise and fall of stag is bigger, the hit rates of three points are 25.6%, 51% and 39.5% respectively, the effective hit rates are 56.7%, 66.8% and 54.2% respectively, and the proportion of jump shots is also very high. The rest of the attack elements-error rate, front panel rate, penalty rate-have no obvious suppression and abnormality. In other words, these two teams are comparing hand feeling, peripheral jump shot, near Basket throw, who will win.

Although it is accurate, it is impossible to see the opponent cast, and it is impossible to enter and see the God. The Heat made an important adjustment in G3, and they took loafers to the starting countermatch Lopes, which largely reversed the unfavorable situation of G2. The important means for the stag G2 to tear off the defense line is the height of the main role of Daluo. The player who defended Lopes in the heat before was Strous, and the height and weight difference was huge, which could not be prevented. The overall defense strategy of the heat was still relieve a garrison. After Reba went out, Daluo’s basket was full of stars, receive the ball all kinds of empty connection abuse baskets, turned around and jumped to the hook, and completely ruled.

G3 Bucks changed the strategy to loafers pairs of Daluo, holodi/mi Dou and Daluo block the delay of dismantling and defending, and combined with other points to protect rim. Others fought hand-by-hand to guard the potty chair and endured some difficult peripheral shots of the stag. The strategy achieved the goal, and Dalo was locked.

This is not the full value of loafers. He also did these things in this game:

The connecting segment appeared as the No. 5 substitute of the heat. During this period, the Bucks defended him with Daluo. In loafers, the game scored two three-point goals and played a space constraint, which made Dalo give up the basket in some rounds;

On loafers, he also sent accurate stories to his teammates who cut into the basket;

Loafers participated in several rounds of defense, swiping cards to cause competition, recycling large hat holodi, destroying Dalo receive the ball and successfully stealing.

Let’s put it this way, the loafers of this game at least hedge the value of the opposite Daluo.

This is still not all, and there are the following plots:

Butler scored 4 out of 4 points. This person only scored 1.6 points in the regular season. Only one game in this season has scored 4 points, and the rest can be up to 2. The playoff version of Butler and the regular season are indeed not alone;

Deng Luo scored 5 out of the 6th three points and even scored twice in the basket. However, this person didn’t attack the basket at all at ordinary times. One of the attacks was even won by singles holodi. In the regular season, Deng Luo hit 32.8 percent in three points, which had already lost the trust of the coach. Croal reimbursement was taken out to save the world, and he completely drew a clear line with Joha who hit 8.3 percent in three points next door;

In addition, Lowry played an attack and defense that was close to expectations. Audi’s defensive and assault performance was amazing before the injury. Strous and Martin played stably. Reba’s hand-in hand and defense also had a sense of presence. It can be said that in the G3 World War I, the full strength of the heat was online, and there was more than one such match. So far in the whole series, the Heat team hit 50% in three points, and the problem that troubled them in the regular season was the 27th of the league, the three-point hit rate of 34.4%. In the regular season, the most accurate three-point shooter in the heat is Croal, 37.8%, except for him, everyone’s three-point hit rate is stuck at 35% or less, in the 21 games after the Heat came loafers, only 29.7 percent of the three-point quasi-stars were cast. Now, the hit rate of 8 people in the heat is higher than 40%.

The state difference is so great that the heat and the regular season have become different teams. There was a similar situation in the playoffs last year, but the heat at that time was that the players who could score three points at ordinary times were not allowed at the beginning of the playoffs, and Butler carry, who was not big enough at ordinary times, got up. Now, Butler C, others are accurate, which is very difficult.

It may not be time to worry about the accidental exit of the stag. After all, there are two things that cannot be determined:

First of all, letters may come back. After letters come back, Stag’s counterposition is more flexible and more choices are made;

Second, the status of the heat is not necessarily maintained. It is possible that the Bucks do nothing and the next heat will cool down. After all, the 50% hit rate in the three points of the series is too unreal, there must be a night of crazy iron shooting.

The problem is that these two things are not controlled by the stag. For the Eastern first, they prefer to control the situation rather than be decided by chance. Whether the letters return or not, whether the heat is cold or not, can only wait for the result. What Buden Holzer can do is not to let Daluo play a counterposition loafers in the connection segment. The biggest advantage of bucks to the heat is that they have higher quality protective baskets and tear down Daluo, the heat is not afraid of deer without words.

It has to be said that the playoffs are so wonderful that even the biggest hot Bucks this season are in danger. You can’t not worry about them, because this is not the first time, the opponent is the same, even the plot is very close.

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