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There is no doubt that the G5 Timberwolves fell on their feet. Since they had three balls lying in the mud, the comprehensive evaluation of their positions in this series should be on their knees.

The amiable Dominica 6 who always smiled ended up, and the brave French who loved the microphone also left the scene. However, at the last moment, the Serbians opened their mouths, and another face appeared on their round faces, a woman’s face, which was Zhang Zifeng’s smiling face at the last moment of the Chinatown investigation.

Smiling people are back to people. The Clown played an ugly match in 29 shots and 8, which was even uglier than the performance of the old, weak, sick and disabled, fat and bald men cheerleading team at Denver home, in the second final moment of the series, 2 penalty 1 is given to the opponent’s hope. However, Edwards did not throw in the three points that were enough to drag the match into the plus time. He turned and ran into the player channel, and did not intend to leave any emotional sportsmanship on the court.

Yokiki was a group of new stars of enbide in 2014, but he entered the alliance in the same year as downs in 2015. 2018 was a small watershed for two people. In the last game of the season, Timberwolves defeated the Nuggets. Downs entered the playoffs and jokedge went home.

Five years later, jokiki was already a 2-even MVP, even close to 3-even, but Downs failed to be selected for the top ten most overrated players selected chatgpt. Don’t say chatgpt didn’t notice him. In the whole lively 2022-23 season, Downs seemed to disappear.

By the playoffs, the game was reduced and the perspective was focused. Finally, everyone could see how many dishes Downs and his teammates had. Faced with the G4 game that swept out, they beat their opponents with time, and then the whole team went to the center of the stadium to celebrate crazily, as if they had really won something.

Why does this always happen to wolves? Having passed the additional game and entered the playoffs, Beverly’s scene of rushing to the stands with tears was still yesterday. What a glorious and sad scene. Wolves are no longer rich, they are rich and crazy. If there is really any losing culture in this world, wolves should be better spokesmen than rockets, Pistons and other rotten teams. The real losing culture does not lie in losing, but after winning a little bit, I will put on a very satisfying look.

Of course, there is also a existence worth looking forward. The young Edward played beautiful data with space for imagination, and those brave characters who faced the iron and blood defense of the teacher were fascinating. You look at Hua Zi’s face, watch him perform in this series, flip through his data, average 31.6 points, 5 rebounds and 5.2 assists, in some moments, you may even think that the Timberwolves chose the Nuggets, otherwise why would they let Hua Zi play that kind of ugly performance in the play-off? 42 minutes, 17 shots 3, 3 points 9 points 0 anger cut 9 points 4 mistakes 4 fouls?

However, there were some changes when we went to the series. At the age of 22, it became a relish standard line. Below this line, the latest achievements of young men were rolled on the broadcast screen, let his name appear in Jordan, Lebang and Kobe.

Outside the screen, Hua Zi’s performance was more in line with expectations. He said he didn’t want to be swept in his life. After 34 points, he said he played badly, he said to his teammates who sighed in the dressing room after losing three games in a row, “We are not finished yet, I promise.”

After G3, Hua Zi took a bunch of teammates to Tang Si’s house to talk about Tang Si’s favorite boxing, chatting from all over the world, laughing and laughing. Hua Zi knew that Tang Si wanted the team to have a feeling of family. Hua Zi knew that Tang Si wanted everyone in the team to feel needed. He created this feeling for him at Tang Si’s home.

My first feeling when I saw this news was that their description of downs by the character huazi was very accurate, and the following feeling: if Jimmy Butler’s behavior towards downs in the two years of wolves was like bullying, breaking the tough upper limit, then Hua Zi’s behavior was like indulgence, breaking through the mild bottom line-although it is somewhat strange to describe a 21-year-old young man’s attitude towards 27-year-old teammates with connivance.

So the next question becomes: Why does a 27-year-old top player who has played professional basketball for 8 years still need so much gentle love to support? Why is there such a sensitive paper heart hidden in a huge body with a height of 2 meters 11 and a weight of 112 kilograms, so it takes 21-year-old teammates to go to his home to create an atmosphere of “laughter” after the 0-3 backward series?

Of course, there are many reasons, such as the death of many close relatives including mother during the new crown. The sentence “The past downs are dead” is still in my ears, and now I think it will still be moving. However, although the downs in the past were dead, there was still not much difference between the downs in the present life and the past, so the painful experience of the epidemic was not the reason.

Competitive sports don’t believe in gentleness. Even though the two leaders of the long Akron era made us dilute this feeling, people really believe more in brutal Kings, because this is a game about conquest and victory.

Downs was able to play the last goal of the season, scoring 26 points and 11 rebounds on the edge of the cliff. There are more details, even though he only scored 1 in 8 shots in downtown, but he was still able to break through the layup hit with Gordon’s arm and cause a foul. He hit Murray with his back and turned to throw the hit and cause a foul, use breakthrough to reduce the score difference to 1 point or equalize it three times in the last half. Seeing these details, you will remember what a talented big player Downs is, and all the reasons why he became the top player and was highly anticipated.

However, this is only one end of the field. The last question that needs to be given to downs this season is why he will end up with 6 attacks. This is already the best defensive game in Downs series, but it is far from enough, because there are 82 games in the regular season, and at least 16 more games are needed to win the championship. Most of them need you to take out better defense to support you. You may not feel so good.

This was supposed to be something Downs might have done, but he might have missed a starting point. He needs a real veteran to instill some proper toughness into him at the starting point. The center with the most three points in history does not mean being soft. The playing method does not determine your mentality of being dropped on paper by basketball writers, winning or losing is the result of data. Dirk proved this, and Garnett used to be.

And downs once owned Garnett. The latter would not teach him what is really tough, but he could teach downs what is real defense, everything about defense, sense of position, as for the intuitive choice of outer flutter or recycling protective frame, these things will greatly improve the game of downs and eventually change the perception of downs. This is how tough it comes.

The past can’t be traced. Downs is still young, but he has already experienced three failed series. Now it’s time for wolves to consider the future of the team, because they also have a young lineup, the Wolves need to prove that their behavior in the summer of 2022 still has certain merits compared with Downs proving that they can still play the top average level-that is, the level of Ginobili, and this proof needs several conditions to meet.

The basis of this proof question is that Gobel must stay, otherwise they have admitted that they can’t do it. Among the remaining conditions, the first is that Huazi can continue to grow and enlarge his achievement of beating yokic’s insufficient frame guard in a series to the whole regular season; the second is to give Huazi and McDaniels a decent contract; The third is to find ways to retain their important free-agent rotation, such as Reed; The fourth is to consider whether old Conley can play for several years.

The last is downs. Facing the performance of downs in the last fight, Wolves can have double joy, but they can only choose one: either they are satisfied with the determination and will of downs in the last fight, then leave this lineup for another year to the maximum extent; Either they are satisfied with the price of the last game played by Downs, and then make a big deal with this bargaining chip that is better than nothing: look at our downs, although he is soft, he still has room for imagination.

Unlike the wolf team’s summer full of imagination in the future, the Nuggets still have some ways to go, but there is no hope. On the way are the Chinese investment King Durant, the Chinese investment King Booker, the Chinese investment King Paul, and the other champion who is about to show the tough on yokki.

The hard experience of playing Clippers cannot translate to the Nuggets. Experts have said a lot, and I agree that Nuggets do not have any ability to fight back. The only thing the Sun needs to do is not to do things badly, and watch out for the old boxing of Serbian racers in the last game of elimination from 4-0.

As for the odds of nuggets, I searched through my mind for 40 years of basketball knowledge and did not find it, but as a new blogger of Jin Shu, however, I keenly found a little vitality of nuggets in the NBA official playoff campaign “da gan Kun”: a beautiful propaganda film, someone is writing large characters in nature with writing brush, all kinds of stars and famous scenes flashed, and the background voice commentary was strong and firm. He said: there was land one day since ancient times, and there was West one day when there was East……

When he said “Go home sadly”, what appeared in the camera was Chris Paul’s vicissitudes of life.

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