0 1 min 2 yrs

Live Bar May 7th news NBA playoff Eastern semi-final, Heat home court 105-86 beat off the Knicks, the big score 2-1 leading.

After the game, the reporter interviewed the Heat player Zeller about the conflict in the game, Zeller said it was nothing.

Then, the Heat star Butler teased aside: “Talk about his violent behavior and set a bad example for my daughter.”

In this game, Butler, who was injured in the last game, returned from the fire line. Both sides of the attack and defense still carried the team. The starting game was 35 minutes and a half minutes, and 21 shots were 9 (0 in 3 points and 2), 10 out of 11 free throws, scored the highest 28 points in the game, plus 4 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 cap, with a positive and negative value of +9.

RELATED LINKS >>>Zeller and Randle card position and pushed them down harteng angry push Zeller players gathered

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