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1. Eagle VS Green Army

Looking forward, the Eagle has two key points to cause some trouble to the Green Army:

One is a good lineup with more space. So far, the eagle still has no way to do it completely. However, there were some responses to G3 Eagle’s puzzle. Jay Johnson, who was put the hardest, scored 10 points and 4 assists in 3 of 5. Although Hunter’s three points were still pit, there were at least two key points. The value of Bei as a shooter has also been played out;

The second is to give full play to the advantage of punching to punish the Celts for relieve a garrison. The Eagle’s rebound rate in the front court was 37.2%, and the second attack won some points.

However, Eagle’s winning cannot be simply summarized by these two key points, and Yang and Murray have to play well. This seems to be nonsense. If the two masters will not play well, the eagle will never attack the Celtics. I want to emphasize this point specially because they did something beyond expectation, which led the Celtics to fail to turn the score back even if they made adjustments.

In this round of series, the Celtics have always been in a state of “fishing at work. This is not to disrespect either side. Kai did not show a serious face before 2 minutes 6 seconds in the second quarter of G3. Even at 6 minutes 39 seconds in the fourth quarter of G3, before Yang block broke down and exploded Horford, the Celts who had been lagging behind probably didn’t think they would lose. This round of green army is like this:

After attacking the Eagle defense, there is not much to think about;

The defense chose to retreat, instead of the relieve a garrison with good anti-Eagle effect in the regular season. This may be because of the changes made by watching the replaying game of the Eagle. Maybe it’s just to save trouble-retreat is a little less than relieve a garrison. If you can win by attack + general defense, there is no need to pull the team defense too full.

The same thing happened when G3 came up. The Green Army scored normally. The Eagle held the ball, the shooter, the cover person, and the young man who was empty. All kinds of postures were also scored and played, the Green Army found itself behind.

The Green Army has a great advantage over the eagle, but it is not an unconditional advantage in 48 minutes. After three games, the Green Army was losing points when Lowe was present. There were two obvious situations:

When Lowe was present, he obviously simplified the eagle’s defense. This point was also mentioned in the foresight that he allowed Capella/okongu to stand comfortably under the basket to protect the basket, but these two people did not give it in vain. Moreover, Lowe’s own defense is not without flaws. When the Green Army guards 4/5 dislocation, he can give full play to the advantage of the protective basket shrinking from the weak side. However, his positive anti-blocking and dismantling ability is general, and he also takes some fake actions, which are exposed;

In addition, compared with double flower exploration, Yang and Murray are not lower-level developers, but the first two are in a better space environment, and the latter two have to face stronger counterposition defense. When both sides were controlling the pure end-type number five, double flower exploration was not as familiar as Yang and Murray. If the Green Army does not have a full-space lineup, they really don’t play Eagle casually.

The Eagle wanted to overturn the Green Army. In addition to making good use of Lowe’s time in the field, there was also how to break the Green Army’s defense line when the Green Army set a five-way squad-unless the Green Army could not enter by itself, the configuration of the eagle is difficult to limit the Green Army five on the defensive end-this requires two steps:

First of all, the block is broken down and the Hoford who keeps the sink and retreat;

Second, force Horford to start relieve a garrison, and then blow up the Green Army’s relieve a garrison.

At 2 minutes 6 seconds in the second quarter of G3, the Green Army suspended-the eagle of Shen retreat began to struggle. Pause back and Horford chooses relieve a garrison-eagle to complete the first step. In addition, the Eagle also broke relieve a garrison in the next 2 minutes. However, this is also related to the poor defense of the Green Army. For example, Brogden did not swipe his card when Yang broke through, and Matt downtown two steps to defend Murray, it is better to give one step distance and so on.

After entering the half-time break, Ma Zula gave a speech similar to that of Tang Ben to the King of the mountain players in the dressing room:

“3 minutes to get north Hunan.”

So at the beginning of the second half, the defensive strength of the Green Army surged. Although Hoford defended back and retreated, the strength of the leader and the two wings to shrink the defense was very fierce. The Green Army fought a wave of strong attack and defense, immediately wipe the difference. At 8 minutes 13 seconds, the eagle paused. At this time, you will feel that the Green Army is still stable.

However, after the pause, the plot reversed again. The Green Army performed acrobatics and passed the ball at the bottom corner to the audience at the bottom line. They smashed the backboard at hanging ball for the empty cutting player. In turn, on the Eagle side, Collins responded at the bottom corner three points, yang fast attack, Zhongtou, super far and medium distance soared, and the score opened again. In the middle section of the fourth quarter, Yang Yitong broke down and beat Hoford violently. At 6 minutes 39 seconds, the Green Army was suspended. After that, the Green Army finally pulled the strength of relieve a garrison and co-defense to the limit. The reality also proved that although Hoford could not keep up with Yang, with the cooperation of the Green Army’s co-defense, the Eagle did not break the relieve a garrison of the Green Army.

This is the key point of the Eagle winning-Murray’s two records of the difficult dry jump shot, Yang’s bottom corner retreated three points to fight Hoford (this position can not be on the defense), The Singles broke through White’s stuck position throwing shot, the two hardened, and the Green Army lost his temper.

The Green Army failed to get 3 to 0 smoothly as 76 people did to basketable nets to ensure promotion. Although they don’t need any sense of panic, they still need to be vigilant-there are some differences between Eagles and basketable nets, which have limited development ability. In the shots stage, when the defensive strength comes up, basketable nets score is weak. But Eagles have all stars. Even though Yang and Murray cannot be so hard every night, they have the ability to do it again.

2. Knicks VS Knights

The content of this round of series is basically the same as the prospective estimation, G1 is the most neat:

Knicks have obvious advantages in front panel and rotation. Under the death insurance basket, they can’t throw three points into the Knight puzzle-indeed, they can’t throw in, all relying on Mitchell to get rid of the points. Bickstav didn’t know who to use the last card. He chose Osman who made 2 three points. His defense was so poor that he was beaten by Bronson at last.

G2 plot reverses slightly:

Knight point Bronson points, Garland showed his performance, Lewell’s state solved the problem of no qualified fifth person, Danny Green solved the problem of sixth person. This time, the Knicks team couldn’t score three points, and there were some bad choices in attack and defense.

G3 plot is back to G1, even a little worse:

Knicks gripped the ball hard. There were many mistakes in Mitchell. Garland completely pulled the ball, and the defense was bullied by others. Lewell recovered in the second half. In the first half, he and Garland totalled 1 in the first half, and the pit was dug here. In addition, Danny Green had no sense of competition, so the Knight did not have the 5th and 6th qualified. When there is no space support at all, the power of the twin towers cannot be exerted;

Although Knicks are also very iron, they are mainly Randal iron. Bronson did not enter the three points, and the middle distance and breakthrough were steady. Knicks played a large number of Knight signboard skills-breaking the basket in the back court and connecting with the center in a small space. The replacement lineup continues to output, and the regulator Knight. Even, Barrett is a human being.

This round of series is relatively clear. Although both teams have played extremely poor games (G3 of the Knight and G2 of the Knicks), in contrast, the Knicks are still on the other hand, sibodu only needs to coach according to his normal thinking. Without changing the strategy of employing people and attacking and defending, they can naturally poke the weaknesses of Knight’s weak space environment, rebound protection and connection section.

The Knight can’t help thinking, because the two most troublesome things of the Knight-space and substitute lineup-are just the parts targeted by the Knicks. Regardless of the unstable state of Garland, Knights can’t bear the ups and downs of Lewell. They always need someone in Lewell, Okolo and Danny Green to stand up, it is better to have two who can stand up and make sure that at least six of them are qualified for rotation.

Although this round of series is only 1 to 2 behind, the result is unknown, but the Knights still need to see that they are not regarded as a strong defensive team opponent in a regular season like Knicks, defending the lowest single-game score this season, the attack efficiency is currently ranked first in the bottom of 16 playoff teams, which is in sharp contrast to their regular season league 8 attacks.

The space environment is too poor, and it is difficult to bring any hard solution and passing.

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