0 2 min 10 mths

Live broadcast on April 29 news in the first round of NBA playoffs, the Lakers eliminated the grizzly bear 4-2. Reeves was interviewed by the media after the game.

Speaking of James who played the game fully, Reeves said: “To be honest, he looks like 18 years old, and his performance is also like 18 years old. He is very ‘childish ‘in a great way. Seeing him playing the ball for so long, sometimes I sat down and thought how crazy it was. He had played for a long time, but at the same time he was so young.”

In this game, James played for 31 minutes, shooting 9 in 13, 2 in 5 in 3, 2 in 3 in free throws, 22 points and 5 rebounds in 3 sections, 6 assists and 1 snatch, and the positive and negative values are as high as +32!

Reeves continued his outstanding performance in this game. He started the game for 33 minutes, scored 5 out of 12 shots, 1 out of 7 in 3 points, scored 11 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists, 2 cap, plus or minus value +26.

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