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76 people won the Tianwang mountain in the north bank Garden, got the match point and went back to the home court to play a decisive battle. The situation was quite favorable. Although the Green Army faced the same situation last year, he escaped from the sky on the playoff career night of Tatum’s 46-point away game, leading two games to the east. But the atmosphere this year seems different.

In the first four games, the G2G3 who won the ball by Green Army won 46 points in total, and the G1 and G4 who lost the ball lost 5 points in total. The big win and the small loss were typical strong teams who lost shots, the painting style of the advantage Bureau is 50-50. With normal development, Celts should play a dominant role in Tianwang Mountain at home and realize their strength advantages. However, the reality is that the 76ers almost played three tuck stitch games. The Celts swallowed the result of two consecutive defeats, and the content of the game was also unfavorable to the Celts.

In the simplest summary, the reason why Green Army G5 lost was that Hoford scored 0 out of 7 points, and I don’t think any other factor has exceeded this key. At present, among the remaining 8 teams in the playoffs, regardless of the core players of their respective teams, among the jigsaw players, Horford’s influence on the home team is the most critical. If you change Tatum to a star of the same level casually, the Celtics will not lose the file, but if you change Horford to a puzzle center of the same level, this team may be just a team competing for the division finals instead of the Championship.

We have to understand where the Celtics are really good.

Last season, the league’s first defense, which Celtics are proud of, did not exist. As for why it didn’t exist, it was hard to say that losing Wu ducurno was on the one hand, but even when Wu ducurno was in office, the Celtics’s so-called league first defense was gradually declining. However, the Celtics are still a strong defensive team, which is true. Their three defenders all have strong single defense ability and different degrees of relieve a garrison ability, this one alone is rare for teams to do it. The Celtics built teams with two frontal line player as the core, and both of them have relatively good single-Defense talents. They do not lack front-line alignment resources or internal alignment resources, or, the Celtics almost do not lack the resources of any player in the opposite position, and their lower defensive limit is extremely high.

But the Celtics did not have a perfect center on the defensive end. Horford has a top defense and a good protective basket. The anti-blocking and disassembly position is excellent, but at this age, the legs and feet are really relieve a garrison. Lowe can’t play full-time number 5. His most suitable role is to defend against a flank that doesn’t know much about shooting to sweep the basket. Ge Wei only has top protection, and the basket protection and relieve a garrison are too reluctant. This defect is not fatal. For the remaining eight playoff teams, you have to find a top center with top defense, guard basket and relieve a Garrison Defenders, which can only be Brother Biao. However, heavy eyebrows are a system BUG and do not participate in the discussion. This defensive defect of the Celtics could not be killed in most occasions. In the first round of the playoffs, the eagle was so targeted to block and split the infinite hammer, and finally he could win the match, the eagle is already one of the teams with the strongest ability of the defender to beat 5th.

Obviously, although the Celts have defects in attack and defense, they are very strong in attack and defense. There are two tracks to run, which can prevent a track from going wrong. If the opponent can defend against you, you will blow them up. If the opponent can attack against you, then defend them. The opponent can attack and defend against you. There is no way. The opponent is too strong to fight. However, this year’s competitive environment actually has no top-level team with particularly perfect attack and defense. Under the situation that the Bucks are out, the Celtics have their own theoretical strength as long as they do not have problems.

Then why did the Celts look like this?

The first round of the playoffs played 6 games, and now the second round is 2 to 3 behind-76 is very strong, but the paper strength is not stronger than the Green Army, and it has been restrained by the Green Army in the past-from the second half of the regular season, the Green Army showed a downward trend. In the season when the configuration seemed to be improved, the performance of combat power was not as good as that of last season.

In most games, the problem of defense is even bigger.

The Celtics’s defensive strategy this season has completely turned to the center potty chair, without developing their seemingly abundant defense resources. In addition, the center cannot relieve a garrison, which leads to their lack of flexibility in strategy. Generally speaking, it is really difficult for a team with this characteristic to meet a specific opponent in the playoffs. The most typical one is the past Jazz. However, the Celtics were still much better than the Jazz at that time. After all, their single defense and cooperative defense capabilities in the back court and front lines were much stronger, and there were more ways to think about counterpositions and defensive details.

But in fact, the strategy and implementation of Celtics are hard to say. After G4, I talked about two things that Celtics should pay attention to in detail, one of which is:

“The Green Army should avoid wrong counterpositions. When Smart and Horford were against Tucker, the performance of the defense was far better than that of Jay and Brogden, while in some periods of G4, the Green Army did not do anything in this respect.”

In the case of G5, only Matt would do some defense when he was against Tucker. As long as Matt was not present, the Green Army was totally indifferent to this matter. If the point of Tucker is not taken advantage of, what is the defensive advantage of the Green Army to 76 people?

There are 76 people in G5, with joint defense, a small number of center relieve a garrison, Harden making offensive fouls, and enbede’s care basket and rotation. That’s really taking out store at the bottom of a suitcase of things to fight with you. The highlight of Celtics’s defense seems to be that only Lao Huo’s several times of basket protection and block removal can be talked about, and even the enthusiasm of protecting rebounds is not as good as 76 people. If you don’t know the resumes of these two teams and watch their matches for the first time, you won’t think Celtics is a team with better defensive resources than 76 people.

The attack performance of 76 people G5 has a very strong sense of sight of “Eagle hitting Celtics”, and it is very determined to play center potty chair. Maxi’s three-point hand feeling is online, and he is the leader of 76 people playing potty chair. Harris also got the opportunity to clear one side and eat the center alone, although his good hand feeling has little to do with the pertinence. Harden handed over the balanced performance of neither pulling nor breaking away, scoring and driving two punches to attack, and played a powerful role with enbide’s shield, he succeeded in making the ball for enbyde from the dessert area many times and hit the Celtic center potty chair in another way. With the good state of maxi and Harris, it actually achieved the effect of the outbreak of 76 Brothers, which narrowed the distance with Celtic at the strategic level.

There are two small details:

First, there are several block and split rounds in the match of 76 people. Designated players will try to cut in or empty more than freethrow line of the area in the dunk position. I am not sure whether this is a deliberate or accidental result, but the effect achieved is that 76 people can easily get jump shots with less interference, basically, the Celtics can only rely on the center to make up for the ball-holding pitch or cover people’s receive the ball pitch, which is obviously difficult to take into account. The main part of the attack of 76 people was jump shot. Enbide would not encounter annoying credit card assistance and attack if he didn’t carry the ball, making it plus-sized difficult for Celtics to defend. Although Celtics’s defense is not good, it is really difficult for them to defend 76 people who pursue more than freethrow line jump shots, which is very face-catching;

Second, in the early stage of the game, the scale of Hoford’s anti-Harden block was very large, but it didn’t stick to it later. We can compare the position difference between the initial stage of the series and the initial stage of this competition, which is the position of Horford anti-Harden block demolition.

The Celtics soon realized that Harden’s goal would destroy Horford’s high position, so they insisted on potty chair later. But this change is quite interesting-Brother Deng played the respect of his opponent with his ability.

The reason why so many 76 people attack and Celtics defend this end is that people may pay more attention to the story of this end. But the Celtics didn’t lose at this end. It was predictable that they couldn’t resist each other on a night where 76 people felt good. The key was that the Celtics scored 115 points, 121 points respectively in the first four games, 114 points and 115 points, the stable attack is invalid in this time. The important reason is that Horford cannot enter three points, which is the top priority.

The special thing about Celtics is that Horford is a center shooter with a three-point hit rate of 44.6%. He can also make various trivial contributions at both ends of attack and defense, and seldom make messy mistakes. He was surrounded by four opponents who didn’t dare to take the main attacker or blocker of the center, which led most of the centers to face Celtics and choose between the two bottles of poison of the protective basket and Horford. Moreover, his single-defense weakness could hardly be hidden in the other four locations of Celtics.

Remove your strongest defensive points;

Catch your defensive weakness.

This is the underlying logic of Celtic attack.

If this logic is gone, will there really be a top-level team afraid of double flower exploration?

Horford couldn’t pull it, which is why I wrote his play specially after G3-before G3, Horford only scored 7 in 29 three-point shots, which is hard not to be thought, his feeling in the regular season will not be maintained, and he is indeed at an age that may decline at any time. G3 Horford scored 5 points, as if everything was back to normal, but G5 was not working again, which was also his second lowest playoff time this year.

Under the bad condition of Hoford, Mazura chose Galloway’s time, and another detail I mentioned after G4 was the time of Rowell-after Rivers abandoned Jay, lowe’s counterposition is very difficult to do. He couldn’t defend enbide, nor could harden when Harden was in good condition-he was not suitable to be in the front line of defense. Marzula once had to use smart or even Brogden to fight enbide. However, in some scenarios, Lowe can only prevent the center and expose himself to the front line of anti-low position and blocking and dismantling. At this time, Celtic’s defense was degraded.

Because double flower exploration is not good at controlling and dismantling the End center, especially when Lowe is present, he can liberate enbide’s protective basket, which will make it difficult for Celtics to attack. Don’t look at the positive and negative values of Lowe, which are better than that of Horford. This is because Horford played worse, and the time when Lowe and Tatum made efforts must coincide. In fact, at the end of the first section and the beginning of the second section, Celts began to dig big pits, which was exactly the time when Rowell was present. Even, the time when Lowe was pulled Mazu was very strange-it was when the 76-person joint defense was effective that Mazu pulled Rottweiler up.

If Horford’s state did not recover and Mazura continued to try Lowe to play center, then the Celtics had only a single anti-defense quality to the advantage of 76 people, this advantage will be covered by the stronger main attacker and dislocation targeting ability of the other party.

This round of series has not yet won. The Celtics won G6 away last year and have a chance to do it this year. The premise is that Horford is still the Horford, and Mazura insists on believing in their space advantages, and makes a good counterposition when using Lowe, as well as punishing 76 people for Tucker’s attack defects. Horford’s state must listen to the fate of Heaven, which is really beyond control, but if it is not done at the personnel level, it is indeed not worthy of winning.

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