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In today’s NBA playoff competition, the Warriors beat the King 120-100 away, beat the opponent 4-3 in the series, and joined the Western semi-final with the Lakers.

In this game, Curry 38 made 20 shots, 7 out of 18 in 3 points, 3 out of 5 free throws, 50 points from the new playoff career, and 8 rebounds, 6 assists and 1 steals into the account, only 1 error occurred.

Curry also scored 50 points, becoming the player who scored the most in the playoffs in the NBA history. There are many outstanding players in NBA who are fighting for seven and have their own personal shows. Lao Zhen will take stock of the top 10 points in the NBA history to win a single game in the seventh World War.

10. Iverson 44 points

On June 4, 2001, Iverson scored 17 out of 33 shots, 4 out of 6 points, 6 out of 7 free throws, 44 points, 6 rebounds, 7 assists and 2 steals in the 7th world war against the Bucks, lead the team to the finals.

9. Buckley 44 points

On June 6, 1993, Barkley shot 12 at 20, 1 out of 1 in 3 and 19 out of 22 in the 7th battle of the sun against supersonic, scoring 44 points, 24 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 break, 1 cap, lead the team to the finals.

8. James 45 points

On April 30, 2018, James scored 45 points, 8 rebounds, 7 assists and 4 steals in the first round of the 7th world war against the Pacers, lead the team to the second round.

7. James 45 points

On May 19, 2008, James scored 14 out of 29 shots, 3 out of 11 out of 3 in 3 points, 14 out of 19 out of 19 free throws, and scored 45 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists and 2 steals in the eastern semi-finals, but I had no choice but to lose.

6. Kevin Johnson 46 points

Kevin Johnson shot 12 out of 26 shots, 1 out of 2 points and 21 out of 22 free throws in the 7th round against rockets on May 21, 1995, get 46 points, 3 rebounds, 10 assists, 1 steals, 1 cap, but have no choice but to lose.

5. Luka-dongcheqi 46 points

In the first round of World War 7 against the Clippers on June 7, 2021, Dong Qiqi scored 17 out of 30 shots, 5 out of 11 out of 3, 7 out of 11 free throws, and scored 46 points, 7 rebounds and 14 assists, but I had no choice but to lose.

4. Wilkins 47 points

Wilkins in the 7th round against Celtics on May 23, 1988, 33 shots were 19, 1 in 3 points 2, 8 in 9 free throws, and scored 47 points, 5 rebounds and 3 assists, but I had no choice but to lose.

3. Sam Jones 47 points

Sam Jones scored 47 points, 7 rebounds and 1 assist in the first round of the seven matches between the Celtics and the Cincinnati Royal on April 11, 1963, with 27 shots and 18 free throws in the 12 Middle 11, leading the team to advance to the second round.

2. Kevin Durant 48 points

On June 20, 2021, Durant made 17 of 36 shots, 4 of 11 in 3 points and 10 of 11 free throws in the 7th world war against the Bucks in the eastern semi-final basketable nets, get 48 points, 9 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 steals, 1 cap, but have no choice but to lose.

1. Stephen Curry 50 points

In today’s first round of World War 7 against the king, Curry scored 20 out of 38 shots, 7 out of 18 in 3 points and 3 out of 5 free throws, winning the highest 50 points in NBA history in World 7, plus 8 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 steals, and leads the team to the next round.

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