0 2 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast, May 11 news Warriors returned to home today to usher in the G5 battle with the Lakers. Warriors failed to win in two matches in Los Angeles. Currently, the total score is 1-3 behind, this game is a battle for the Warriors.

The attack end of the Warriors in the first quarter was in good condition. Although Clay was in a relatively ordinary state in the first quarter of 7 shots 1, the performance of multi-point flowering helped them get a 21-10 lead at one time; however, Brother Biao of the Lakers performed well in stable output. He scored 13 points in the first quarter and started a stalemate after the team caught up with the score. The Attack of the water flowers brothers played a relatively common role in the whole first half, on the contrary, de Raymond Green became a strange soldier and scored 14 points, while the Warriors also relied on Poole and Wikins to launch a 10-0 offensive for the last three consecutive points, finally, the water flowers brothers also sent three points together to help the team 70-59 get 11 points leading into the second half.

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