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Live broadcast bar, May 10-tonight’s CBA finals G2, Liaoning beat Zhejiang 11-93 away, leading 2-0 in the series.

After the game, Zhao Huanyu, a basketball media player, updated a microblog to comment on the game.

The original text wrote: The two Zhejiang teams, which mainly play the youth storm, both reached the finals with the first score in the regular season in 2018 and 2023, and both of them lost two home courts first. How similar the plot was.

Zhao Jiwei easily cracked the close-fitting defense of Chouzhou’s rear guard line. Zhang Zhenlin and Zhou Juncheng seized the three-point opportunity that the joint defense would inevitably reveal, and Ferg finished the difficult goals again and again, even the old Han De Jun can participate in the bag clip players, not to mention Li Xiaoxu’s everywhere rebound competition, Liao basket has an advantage in almost every position.

However, Wright in 1998 was obviously too immature, and Gary, who was surprised to return, was obviously out of state. Chouzhou is in a desperate situation. If they can play the next away game, they still have the chance to continue the suspense, otherwise they can only copy the fate of the brothers in the same province five years ago.

The process of reaching the top is too difficult, so it shows the merit of the champion. Chouzhou is too young and the time for winning is too short. Even the fan culture needs to be established urgently. There is still a long way to go from being used to winning to becoming the master of the King.

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